Ah'low, Check check it, here's a pic from the kind people at Uberbot. They had the munny show last night. Apparently there was 140 plus entries, insane I know, sucks I didn't get to be there, you can see flics of all the munnys plus crowd shots on thier site: uberbotrocks.com. Me and Cheeks took a trip out to Austin yesterday, it was mighty cool, way hipper then SA-Town. Got to run into some cool stores too, I meet this one dude who showed me this dope ass shoe spot and also recommended I go see this David Choe collab piece that was down the way, its pretty obivious Choe did the gyrl but I'm not too sure who the burner was but I know hes a SA-Town local, all in all austin was cool, the face is mighty clean on that choe piece....oh and dam how did france lose the world cup?!?!?! dammit