+++The very first drawings I created in life were of gyrls and cars+++
Ci'cee 11x14 on bristol, mixed media
El'cee 11x14 on bristol, mixed media
under drawing 
Back tracking a bit: SDCC was pretty crazy. From my understanding, everyday sold out! I was fortunate to have even attended one day. My girlfriend (Yara) came down to visit during this time, and we purchased a three day pass and had planned to attend for two days (Thurs-Fri). How about on our way down to SD(Wed), my car BROKE DOWN half way there! Luckily the spot was walking distance from a hotel and around civilization, so we crashed for the night. Next day woke up still nerve ridden from the day before, ran around in hopes to get my car repaired. My luck, there was a car repair spot one block from the hotel. Few hours later, after some mind prayers and crossed-fingers we were back on the road. Still nerve rack'd all uptil we made it to SD. Long story short, Yara and I spent the whole Friday running around the con meeting and seeing everyone possible. I was amp'd to have walked away with a few things: 1) The new James Jean PR2 book<-- insane book(sold out)!!! signed with a sketch 2) Nice collection of Kent Williams work <--signed 3) Claire Wendling <--amazing drawings nuff said! 4) Paul Pope artbook <--dope dope, 5) Two signed prints from Dustin Nguyen <--really amazing stuff, look him up 6) Signed book from Alberto Ruiz <--amazing guy|artist|publisher. 7) not shown but imagine a handful of postcards and some posters
Not bad for a day's hunt. SDCC is grand, hope to get a booth next year and experience more of the the event. Back to the current: -Bizzy as usual, got some commission work this week
-Working on painting a Labbit custom for "The Super Labbit Show" via Uberbot, Orlando
-Working on some prints to sale for all the kind people who have been inquiring
-GOP2 is finished, having trouble with getting it printed, some tec stuff, trying to figure it out
-Imagery up top of Ci'cee and El'cee are some new works geared for a possible mini showing sometime real soon, keep you posted
Thats all for now I think...link up with you guys soon