The Langley Civic Centre is still much the same,
save for a new paint job & less lurkers. We
used to drink in the woods adjacent to the parking
lot before seeing cut-rate punk bands play. I
remember doing mean things to DBS when they
played. Once we were spraypaintin’ the back wall
with some anarchy signs or some shit, & the
police rolled up. Myself, & three friends ran
across the BMX track & hid in the woods
beside the graveyard. My friend Trevor gave me
a cigarette, & I smoked most of it the wrong way
round before noticing that the entire filter was
gone, & festering in my lungs. Oof.
The old Langley Skatepark is still there. When
they built it, people were so hyped. It didn't take
long for a newer, better park to be built, but the
old spot is not without its charms. I did a solid
hours worth of slappy noseslides there the other
day, & didn't see a single other person. It used to
be crushed with sprays some Acrow and Raise,
but now it's just ugly grey crap.
The lake on 16th avenue, just West of 208th
street. One of the better hang–out spots as a
teenager. Close enough to home to walk, water to
swim in, turtles to wrangle, & a dock to sleep on
if one so desired. I still like going there, even if
there's no booze being drank, girls to talk to, or
psychedelic journeys to embark on.
Zero Avenue & 272nd Street in Aldergrove.
Me & my friend Keith used to go fishing
here. My parents would drive me to Keith's
house, on Friday after school, & pick me
up on Sunday before church, which I
reluctantly attended, covered in dirt, fish guts,
& campfire smoke. Keith lived on this amazing
acreage with funny animals like pigs & cows
& lots of Jack Russell terriers. I swear there
was like... hundreds of them. Maybe not.
We would ride bikes with Keith's older
brothers & this idiot named Jeremy, to Zero
Avenue, where there was a stream that seemed
to always be full of fish. We would catch tons of
them, & put them in buckets, which were a hassle
to get back to Keith's house. Once home, we
dumped the fish into their manmade lake to catch
again some time, although I never once caught a
trout there, despite hundreds of attempts. All I
ever caught were these gross catfish. Hurting.
One time Jeremy jumped off a swing–set
backwards, trying to land in his feet, but ended
up getting caught somehow. He broke both of his
arms, & used this an excuse as to why he was
kind of fat, but had the skinniest arms. Like
I said, the guy was kind of a foo.
8th Avenue & Lefevre road in Abbotsford.
Tight spot to hang out. Nothing around except
creatures & a pond, & some big rocks 2 sit on.