denver public libary (project process):
in late 2007/early 2008 i was working in berkley, california on a logo mark @ tomorrow partners on a project funded by janus mutual funds for the denver public libary system. another exciting element of the project was to mock up concepts & ideas for a 'book mobile'. we had 3 designers working on the project. we went through tons of artist & ideas. i've been a fan-boy of nate williams probably since i was in highschool. i knew he grew up in berkley & his work would fit perfectly for this project. i'm really excited they choose nate & how the project turned out! unfortunately, i ended up leaving the project early & moving east. anyhow, i haven't seen the final mark yet, but here is a bunch of old back-end, process, ruff/sloppy sketches, comps, moodboards, & the final 'reading rocket'.
thanks nate & everyone @ tomorrow partners! you all did really great work...
*dumpster funk hop-scotch.