‘ B.N./C.N.–Sketchbook ’ 5m52s
Sketchbook Drawings, Paintings, & Readings ¬
Who was scouting & waiting for just this very wave. A wave of — A lifetime…
3. I am Trying I am trying to make something of myself. I am a mix of all the things in my past & all the things & experiences of my ancestors pasts. We can go all the back 2 connect it all 2gether. Now I must read & collect for all my new creations… Check It..
8. The Wishes UP ON
A Star...
A bright Idea
Dropped out of a sky
& landed right on the porch.
Like a a Special Delievery.
It wasn’t in a box, though…
It was bright & not so big.
You could lift it up with your own 2 hands…
Can you picture it? At all.
You must still see.
A girl wants 2 rage….
A girl wants 2 rally
GET in the car
Call your friend on the way.
If she doesn’t answer –>
Just hit the hi–way.
It’s all in the wiring.
Move your legs
(Don’t stay home) out like a light @ nite.
Make a sign.
Chaz Hernandez left something really important on the school bus today. How will he get it back? Chazzz asked the bus driver, “Did you see anything left on the bus Yesterday?...” — “No. I didn’t” replied the bus driver. Chazz now; is. very. Worried. How stupid Am I… Thought Chaz. Maybe I can make or find a new 1?? Hmmm, that is impossible because that was 1 of a kind. Chaz has a spelling test tomorrow & he can’t even study or retain any of the information because he is trying to think about how he can recover what he left on the bus. Fast Forward >> A lot of time has gone by. 1 Year. 2 Years… 5 Years… 10 Years & Not a day goes by that Chaz doesn’t think of that day on the BUS.
Just the little things
Bring happiness.
Seeing a little brown wren
Nesting on your porch each night
Can make it happen.
Some Meander …
Others go backwards
A few zig zag ….
And they might go …
Or poke along the path,
They may part ways …
Fall into step with someone …
And glide Along